58-47b-501. Unlawful conduct. "Unlawful conduct" includes:
(1) practicing, engaging in, or attempting to practice or engage in massage therapywithout holding a current license as a massage therapist or a massage apprentice under thischapter;
(2) advertising or representing himself as practicing massage therapy when not licensed todo so; and
(3) massaging, touching, or applying any instrument or device by a licensee in the courseof practicing or engaging in massage therapy to:
(a) genitals or anus; and
(b) breasts of a female patron, except when a female patron requests breast massage, asmay be further defined by division rule, and signs a written consent form, which must alsoinclude the signature of a parent or legal guardian if the patron is a minor, authorizing theprocedure and outlining the reason for it before the procedure is performed.
Amended by Chapter 309, 2000 General Session