58-47b-502. Unprofessional conduct. "Unprofessional conduct" includes the following and may be further defined by divisionrule:
(1) maintaining, operating, or assisting in the establishment or operation of any place ofbusiness for the purpose of performing massage without first obtaining a business license, if alicense is required;
(2) failing to comply with any applicable ordinances relating to the regulation of massageestablishment;
(3) failing to comply with all applicable state and local health or sanitation codes;
(4) failing to properly supervise an apprentice;
(5) failing to maintain mechanical or electrical equipment in a safe operating condition;
(6) failing to adequately monitor patrons utilizing steam rooms, dry heat cabinets, orwater baths;
(7) prescribing or administering medicine or drugs;
(8) engaging in any act or practice in a professional capacity that is outside of the practiceof massage therapy; and
(9) engaging in any act or practice in a professional capacity for which the licensee is notcompetent to perform through training or experience.
Amended by Chapter 159, 1998 General Session