58-49-4. Qualifications for certification -- Fee. Each applicant for certification under this chapter shall provide proof satisfactory to thedivision that the applicant:
(1) is of good moral character as it relates to the practice of dietetics;
(2) holds a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree conferred by a college oruniversity approved by the division at the time the degree was conferred with a major course ofstudy in the sciences of food, dietetics, food systems management, or an equivalent major courseof study;
(3) has completed an internship or preplanned professional baccalaureate orpost-baccalaureate experience in a dietetic program under the supervision of a certified dietitianwho is certified under this chapter or certified, registered, or licensed under the laws of anotherstate or territory of the United States;
(4) has satisfactorily passed a competency examination, approved by or given at thedirection of the board in collaboration with the division; and
(5) has paid the appropriate fees determined by the Department of Commerce. The feeassessed by the Department of Commerce shall be fair and reasonable and shall reflect the cost ofservices provided.
Amended by Chapter 225, 1989 General Session