58-56-13. Modular units. Modular unit construction, set-up, issuance of permits for construction or set-up, andset-up shall be in accordance with the following:
(1) construction and set-up shall be in accordance with the state construction codes;
(2) the responsibility and authority for plan review and issuance of permits forconstruction, modification, or set-up shall be that of the local regulator of the politicalsubdivision in which the modular unit is to be set-up;
(3) the inspection of the construction, modification of, or set-up of a modular unit todetermine conformance with the provisions of this chapter and the issuance of approvals shall bethe responsibility of the local regulator in the political subdivision in which the modular unit is tobe set-up or is set-up; and
(4) nothing in this section shall preclude a local regulator from contracting with aqualified third party for the inspection or plan review provided in this section, or the state fromentering into an interstate compact for third party inspection of the construction of modular units.
Amended by Chapter 310, 2010 General Session