58-56-20. Standardized building permit content. (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedivision shall adopt a standardized building permit form by rule.
(2) (a) The standardized building permit form created under Subsection (1) shall includefields for indicating the following information:
(i) the name and address of the owner of or contractor for the project;
(ii) (A) the address of the project; or
(B) a general description of the project; and
(iii) whether the permit applicant is an original contractor or owner-builder.
(b) The standardized building permit form created under Subsection (1) may include anyother information the division considers useful.
(3) (a) A compliance agency shall issue a permit for construction only on a standardizedbuilding permit form approved by the division.
(b) A permit for construction issued by a compliance agency under Subsection (3)(a)shall print the standardized building permit number assigned under Section
58-56-19 in the upperright-hand corner of the building permit form in at least 12-point type.
(c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(ii), a compliance agency may not issue apermit for construction if the information required by Subsection (2)(a) is not completed on thebuilding permit form.
(ii) If a compliance agency does not issue a separate permit for different aspects of thesame project, the compliance agency may issue a permit for construction without the informationrequired by Subsection (2)(a)(iii).
(d) A compliance agency may require additional information for the issuance of a permitfor construction.
(4) A local regulator issuing a single-family residential building permit application shallinclude in the application or attach to the building permit the following notice prominentlyplaced in at least 14-point font: "Decisions relative to this application are subject to review by thechief executive officer of the municipal or county entity issuing the single-family residentialbuilding permit and appeal under the International Residential Code as adopted by theLegislature."
Amended by Chapter 310, 2010 General Session