58-60-112. Reporting of unprofessional or unlawful conduct -- Immunity fromliability. (1) Upon learning of an act of unlawful or unprofessional conduct as defined in Section
58-60-102 by a person licensed under this chapter or an individual not licensed under this chapterand engaged in acts or practices regulated under this chapter, that results in disciplinary action bya licensed health care facility, professional practice group, or professional society, or that resultsin a significant adverse impact upon the public health, safety, or welfare, the following shallreport the conduct in writing to the division within 10 days after learning of the disciplinaryaction or the conduct unless the individual or person knows it has been reported:
(a) a licensed health care facility or organization in which an individual licensed underthis chapter engages in practice;
(b) an individual licensed under this chapter; and
(c) a professional society or organization whose membership is individuals licensedunder this chapter and which has the authority to discipline or expel a member for acts ofunprofessional or unlawful conduct.
(2) Any individual reporting acts of unprofessional or unlawful conduct by an individuallicensed under this chapter is immune from liability arising out of the disclosure to the extent theindividual furnishes the information in good faith and without malice.
Enacted by Chapter 32, 1994 General Session