58-60-202. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in Sections
58-1-102 and
58-60-102, as used in this part:
(1) "Board" means the Social Worker Licensing Board created in Section
(2) (a) "Practice as a social service worker" means performance of general entry levelservices under general supervision of a mental health therapist through the application of socialwork theory, methods, and ethics in order to enhance the social or psychosocial functioning of anindividual, a couple, a family, a group, or a community, including:
(i) conducting:
(A) a non-clinical psychosocial assessment; or
(B) a home study;
(ii) collaborative planning and goal setting;
(iii) ongoing case management;
(iv) progress monitoring;
(v) supportive counseling;
(vi) information gathering;
(vii) making referrals; and
(viii) engaging in advocacy.
(b) "Practice as a social service worker" does not include:
(i) diagnosing or treating mental illness; or
(ii) providing psychotherapeutic services to an individual, couple, family, group, orcommunity.
(3) "Practice of clinical social work" includes:
(a) the practice of mental health therapy by observation, description, evaluation,interpretation, intervention, and treatment to effect modification of behavior by the application ofgenerally recognized professional social work principles, methods, and procedures for thepurpose of preventing, treating, or eliminating mental or emotional illness or dysfunction, thesymptoms of any of these, or maladaptive behavior;
(b) the application of generally recognized psychotherapeutic and social work principlesand practices requiring the education, training, and clinical experience of a clinical social worker;and
(c) supervision of the practice of a certified social worker or social service worker as thesupervision is required under this chapter and as further defined by division rule.
(4) "Practice of certified social work" includes:
(a) the supervised practice of mental health therapy by a clinical social worker byobservation, description, evaluation, interpretation, intervention, and treatment to effectmodification of behavior by the application of generally recognized professional social workprinciples, methods, and procedures for the purpose of preventing, treating, or eliminating mentalor emotional illness or dysfunctions, the symptoms of any of these, or maladaptive behavior;
(b) the supervised or independent and unsupervised application of generally recognizedprofessional social work principles and practices requiring the education, training, andexperience of a certified social worker; and
(c) supervision of the practice of a social service worker as the supervision is requiredunder this chapter and as further defined by division rule.
(5) "Program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education" means a programthat:
(a) was accredited by the Council on Social Work Education on the day on which theapplicant for licensure satisfactorily completed the program; or
(b) was in candidacy for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education on theday on which the applicant for licensure satisfactorily completed the program.
(6) "Supervision of a social service worker" means supervision conducted by anindividual licensed as a mental health therapist under this title in accordance with division rulesmade in collaboration with the board.
Amended by Chapter 78, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 214, 2010 General Session