58-60-207. Scope of practice -- Limitations. (1) A clinical social worker may engage in all acts and practices defined as the practiceof clinical social work without supervision, in private and independent practice, or as anemployee of another person, limited only by the licensee's education, training, and competence.
(2) To the extent an individual is professionally prepared by the education and trainingtrack completed while earning a master's or doctor of social work degree, a licensed certifiedsocial worker may engage in all acts and practices defined as the practice of certified social workconsistent with the licensee's education, clinical training, experience, and competence:
(a) under supervision of a clinical social worker and as an employee of another personwhen engaged in the practice of mental health therapy;
(b) without supervision and in private and independent practice or as an employee ofanother person, if not engaged in the practice of mental health therapy;
(c) including engaging in the private, independent, unsupervised practice of social workas a self-employed individual, in partnership with other licensed clinical or certified socialworkers, as a professional corporation, or in any other capacity or business entity, so long as hedoes not practice unsupervised psychotherapy; and
(d) supervising social service workers as provided by division rule.
Enacted by Chapter 32, 1994 General Session