58-60-303. Board -- Powers. (1) There is created the Marriage and Family Therapist Licensing Board consisting offour marriage and family therapists and one member from the general public.
(2) The board shall be appointed, serve terms, and be compensated in accordance withSection
(3) The board shall:
(a) comply with the provisions of Sections
58-1-202 and
(b) designate one of its members on a permanent or rotating basis to assist the division inreview of complaints concerning unlawful or unprofessional practice by a licensee in therespective profession regulated by the board, and to advise the division with respect to theconduct of investigations of the complaints; and
(c) disqualify any member from acting as presiding officer in any administrativeprocedure in which that member has previously reviewed the complaint or advised the division.
Amended by Chapter 159, 2000 General Session