58-60-508. Core functions of the mental health therapist supervisor. (1) Each supervisor of licensed substance abuse counselors shall:
(a) be a licensed mental health therapist qualified by education and experience to treatsubstance abuse;
(b) be currently working in the substance abuse treatment field;
(c) review substance abuse counselor assessment procedures;
(d) provide substance abuse diagnosis and other mental health diagnoses in accordancewith Subsection
(e) participate in the development of a treatment plan;
(f) approve the treatment plan; and
(g) provide direct supervision for not more than five persons, unless granted an exceptionin writing from the board and the division.
(2) Each supervisor of a certified substance abuse counselor, certified substance abusecounselor intern, or certified substance abuse counselor extern shall:
(a) (i) be a licensed substance abuse counselor with:
(A) until July 1, 2011, at least one year of experience as a licensed substance abusecounselor; or
(B) beginning on July 1, 2011, at least two years of experience as a licensed substanceabuse counselor; or
(ii) be a licensed mental health therapist qualified by education and experience to treatsubstance abuse;
(b) be currently working in the substance abuse field; and
(c) provide direct supervision for no more than three persons, unless granted anexception in writing from the board and the division.
Amended by Chapter 214, 2010 General Session