58-67-102. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in Section
58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
(1) "ACGME" means the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education of theAmerican Medical Association.
(2) "Administrative penalty" means a monetary fine imposed by the division for acts oromissions determined to constitute unprofessional or unlawful conduct, as a result of anadjudicative proceeding conducted in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 4, AdministrativeProcedures Act.
(3) "Board" means the Physicians Licensing Board created in Section
(4) "Diagnose" means:
(a) to examine in any manner another person, parts of a person's body, substances, fluids,or materials excreted, taken, or removed from a person's body, or produced by a person's body, todetermine the source, nature, kind, or extent of a disease or other physical or mental condition;
(b) to attempt to conduct an examination or determination described under Subsection(4)(a);
(c) to hold oneself out as making or to represent that one is making an examination ordetermination as described in Subsection (4)(a); or
(d) to make an examination or determination as described in Subsection (4)(a) upon orfrom information supplied directly or indirectly by another person, whether or not in the presenceof the person making or attempting the diagnosis or examination.
(5) "LCME" means the Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the AmericanMedical Association.
(6) "Medical assistant" means an unlicensed individual working under the direct andimmediate supervision of a licensed physician and surgeon and engaged in specific tasksassigned by the licensed physician and surgeon in accordance with the standards and ethics of theprofession.
(7) "Physician" means both physicians and surgeons licensed under Section
58-67-301,Utah Medical Practice Act, and osteopathic physicians and surgeons licensed under Section
58-68-301, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice Act.
(8) "Practice of medicine" means:
(a) to diagnose, treat, correct, administer anesthesia, or prescribe for any human disease,ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain or other condition, physical or mental, real orimaginary, or to attempt to do so, by any means or instrumentality, and by an individual in Utahor outside the state upon or for any human within the state, except that conduct described in thisSubsection (8)(a) that is performed by a person legally and in accordance with a license issuedunder another chapter of this title does not constitute the practice of medicine;
(b) when a person not licensed as a physician directs a licensee under this chapter towithhold or alter the health care services that the licensee has ordered, but practice of medicinedoes not include any conduct under Subsection
(c) to maintain an office or place of business for the purpose of doing any of the actsdescribed in Subsection (8)(a) whether or not for compensation; or
(d) to use, in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the diagnosis ortreatment of human diseases or conditions in any printed material, stationery, letterhead,envelopes, signs, or advertisements, the designation "doctor," "doctor of medicine," "physician,""surgeon," "physician and surgeon," "Dr.," "M.D.," or any combination of these designations in
any manner which might cause a reasonable person to believe the individual using thedesignation is a licensed physician and surgeon, and if the party using the designation is not alicensed physician and surgeon, the designation must additionally contain the description of thebranch of the healing arts for which the person has a license.
(9) "Prescription device" means an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine,contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, and any component partor accessory, which is required under federal or state law to be prescribed by a practitioner anddispensed by or through a person or entity licensed under this chapter or exempt from licensureunder this chapter.
(10) "Prescription drug" means a drug that is required by federal or state law or rule to bedispensed only by prescription or is restricted to administration only by practitioners.
(11) "SPEX" means the Special Purpose Examination of the Federation of State MedicalBoards.
(12) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-67-501.
(13) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-67-502, and asmay be further defined by division rule.
Amended by Chapter 101, 2010 General Session