58-67-302.5. Licensing of graduates of foreign medical schools. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, an individual enrolled ina medical school outside the United States, its territories, the District of Columbia, or Canada iseligible for licensure as a physician and surgeon in this state if the individual has satisfied thefollowing requirements:
(a) meets all the requirements of Section
58-67-302, except for Subsection
(b) has studied medicine in a medical school located outside the United States which isrecognized by an organization approved by the division;
(c) has completed all of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school exceptinternship or social service;
(d) has attained a passing score on the educational commission for foreign medicalgraduates examination or other qualifying examinations such as the United States MedicalLicensing Exam parts I and II, which are approved by the division or a medical school approvedby the division;
(e) has satisfactorily completed one calendar year of supervised clinical training underthe direction of a United States medical education setting accredited by the liaison committee forgraduate medical education and approved by the division;
(f) has completed the postgraduate hospital training required by Subsection
58-67-302(1)(f)(i); and
(g) has passed the examination required by the division of all applicants for licensure.
(2) Satisfaction of the requirements of Subsection (1) is in lieu of:
(a) the completion of any foreign internship or social service requirements; and
(b) the certification required by Subsection
(3) Individuals who satisfy the requirements of Subsections (1)(a) through (f) shall beeligible for admission to graduate medical education programs within the state, includinginternships and residencies, which are accredited by the liaison committee for graduate medicaleducation.
(4) A document issued by a medical school located outside the United States shall beconsidered the equivalent of a degree of doctor of medicine for the purpose of licensure as aphysician and surgeon in this state if:
(a) the foreign medical school is recognized by an organization approved by the division;
(b) the document granted by the foreign medical school is issued after the completion ofall formal requirements of the medical school except internship or social service; and
(c) the foreign medical school certifies that the person to whom the document was issuedhas satisfactorily completed the requirements of Subsection (1)(c).
(5) The provisions for licensure under this section shall be known as the "fifth pathwayprogram."
Amended by Chapter 250, 2008 General Session