58-73-102. Definitions. (1) "Adjustment of the articulation of the spinal column" means performance by achiropractic physician by the use of passive movements directed toward the goal of restoringjoints to their proper physiological relationship of motion and related function, releasingadhesions, or stimulating joint receptors using one or more of the following techniques:
(a) impulse adjusting or the use of sudden, high velocity, short amplitude thrust of anature that the patient cannot prevent the motion, commencing where the motion encounters theelastic barrier of resistance and ends at the limit of anatomical integrity;
(b) instrument adjusting, utilizing instruments specifically designed to deliver sudden,high velocity, short amplitude thrust;
(c) light force adjusting utilizing sustained joint traction or applied directional pressure,or both, which may be combined with passive motion to restore joint mobility; and
(d) long distance lever adjusting utilizing forces delivered at some distance from thedysfunctional site and aimed at transmission through connected structures to accomplish jointmobility.
(2) "Board" means the Chiropractic Physician Licensing Board created in Section
(3) "Chiropractic assistant" means a person who performs activities related to thepractice of chiropractic under the supervision of a licensed chiropractic physician in accordancewith division rule established in collaboration with the board.
(4) "Chiropractic physician" means a person who has been licensed under this chapter topractice chiropractic.
(5) "Diagnosis of the articulation of the spinal column" means to examine thearticulations of the spinal column of another human to determine the source, nature, kind, orextent of a disease, vertebral sublixation, or other physical condition, and to make adetermination of the source, nature, kind, or extent of a disease or other physical condition.
(6) "Elastic barrier" means the point at which the patient cannot move a joint by his ownmeans and through which movement is obtained or caused by a practitioner's skillful treatmentusing the practitioner's hands in a manipulation of a joint by thrust of sudden, high velocity, shortamplitude so the patient cannot prevent the motion.
(7) "Incisive surgery" means any procedure having the power or quality of cutting of apatient for the purpose of treating disease, injury, or deformity, and includes the use of laser.
(8) (a) "Manipulate the articulation of the spinal column" means use by a practitioner of askillful treatment using the practitioner's hands in a manipulation of a joint by thrust of sudden,high velocity, short amplitude so the patient cannot prevent the motion. Movement of the joint isby force beyond its active limit of motion.
(b) This manipulation commences where mobilization ends and specifically begins whenthe elastic barrier of resistance is encountered and ends at the limit of anatomical integrity.
(c) Manipulation as described in this definition is directed to the goal of restoring jointsto their proper physiological relationship of motion and related function, releasing adhesions, orstimulating joint receptors.
(9) "Practice of chiropractic" means a practice of a branch of the healing arts:
(a) the purpose of which is to restore or maintain human health, in which patient care orfirst aid, hygienic, nutritional, or rehabilitative procedures are administered;
(b) which places emphasis upon specific vertebral adjustment, manipulation, and
treatment of the articulation and adjacent tissues of the spinal column, musculoskeletal structureof the body, and nervous system;
(c) that involves examining, diagnosing, treating, correcting, or prescribing treatment forany human disease, ailment, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition, or the attemptto do so, in accordance with Section 58-73-601;
(d) that involves diagnosing, prescribing treatment, or making a determination oftreatment necessity for another person's condition by means of:
(i) a physical examination of the person; or
(ii) a determination based upon or derived from information supplied directly orindirectly by a third person; and
(e) the practice described in this Subsection (9) on an animal to the extent permitted by:
(i) Subsection 58-28-307(12);
(ii) the provisions of this chapter; and
(iii) division rule.
(10) "Therapeutically position the articulation of the spinal column" means to adjust ormanipulate the articulation of the spinal column.
Amended by Chapter 109, 2006 General Session