58-73-602. Division regulation -- Quality of care -- Complaints. (1) To enable the division and the board to license applicants for licensure and regulateindividuals licensed under this chapter, the division and board shall endeavor to obtaininformation concerning the quality and adequacy of chiropractic care rendered to patients.
(2) Chiropractic physicians licensed under this chapter shall furnish information requestedby the division on recommendation of the board.
(3) (a) The board shall designate committees composed of chiropractic physicianslicensed by this state to advise the division and the board regarding the quality and adequacy ofchiropractic care rendered to patients by chiropractic physicians licensed under this chapter and torecommend the division initiate investigations on chiropractic physicians who may be acting inviolation of this chapter.
(b) If it appears to the committee there is reasonable cause to believe that a chiropracticphysician licensed under this chapter has failed to provide adequate chiropractic care to patients, acomplaint shall be made to the division outlining the statement of reasonable cause.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 253, 1996 General Session