58-76-304. Exemption from licensure. In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section
58-1-307, the following mayengage in the practice of geology, subject to the stated circumstances and limitations, withoutbeing licensed under this chapter if they do not use the title of professional geologist or are notdirectly represented or held out to the public to be legally qualified to engage in the practice ofgeology before the public in this state:
(1) an employee or subordinate of a professional geologist licensed under this chapter, orany employee of an individual exempted from licensure under this Subsection (1) or Subsection(2), provided that the employee's or subordinate's practice does not include responsible charge;
(2) qualified engineers and land surveyors, licensed under Title 58, Chapter 22,Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act, who do not intentionallyrepresent themselves to be professional geologists;
(3) an individual, individual practitioner, or regular full-time employee of a firm,partnership, association, corporation, or other business entity engaged in the exploration for anddevelopment of coal, uranium, oil, natural gas, geothermal or other energy resources, preciousand nonprecious metals and minerals, and industrial and other minerals, including sand, gravel,and aggregate if the geological work is performed solely for internal use within the company andis not offered directly to the public;
(4) an individual engaged in teaching or research in the physical or natural sciences whois not otherwise engaged in practicing geology before the public;
(5) an individual providing agricultural or agronomic soils analyses, sampling, orlaboratory testing; and
(6) an employee of a communications, utility, railroad, mining, petroleum, ormanufacturing company, or an affiliate of such a company, if the geological work is performedsolely for internal use within the company and is not offered directly to the public.
Enacted by Chapter 218, 2002 General Session