58-78-302. Qualifications for licensure -- Licensure by credential. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (4), an applicant for licensure as a vocationalrehabilitation counselor under this chapter shall:
(a) submit an application in a form as prescribed by the division;
(b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section
63J-1-504 to recover the costsof administering licensing requirements relating to vocational rehabilitation counselors;
(c) be of good moral character;
(d) provide satisfactory evidence of having earned a master's degree in rehabilitationcounseling or a related field;
(e) provide satisfactory evidence of having 4,000 hours of disability related workexperience under the supervision of a licensed vocational rehabilitation counselor, except asotherwise provided in Subsection (2); and
(f) after January 1, 2011, meet the examination requirement established by rule by thedivision in collaboration with the board.
(2) Beginning January 1, 2010, and ending December 31, 2010, an applicant is notrequired to verify that the 4,000 hours of work experience required under Subsection (1)(e) wasdone under the supervision of a vocational rehabilitation counselor licensed under this chapter.
(3) An applicant may satisfy the requirement of Subsection (1)(d) if, prior to January 1,2011, the applicant provides satisfactory evidence of:
(a) having earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution;
(b) at least 10 years experience in vocational rehabilitation counseling or a disabilityrelated field;
(c) currently practicing vocational rehabilitation counseling in Utah; and
(d) holding a national certification as a:
(i) Certified Rehabilitation Counselor;
(ii) Certified Vocational Evaluator; or
(iii) Certified Disability Management Specialist.
(4) The division may issue a license under this chapter to an individual who is licensed inanother state or jurisdiction to practice vocational rehabilitation counseling if the division findsthat the other state or jurisdiction has substantially the same or higher licensure requirements asthis state.
Enacted by Chapter 122, 2009 General Session