58-83-308. Audits. (1) Each licensee under this chapter shall allow and facilitate an audit by the divisionregarding the licensee's delivery of online pharmaceutical services to ensure compliance withstate and federal statutes, rules, and regulations including ensuring that:
(a) a comprehensive history and assessment have been obtained and a diagnosis has beenmade for a patient before any medications are prescribed; and
(b) only the approved medications are being prescribed and dispensed.
(2) The division shall be provided with the following, in the manner that allows accessfrom the division's office for the purpose of conducting an audit:
(a) full remote, read-only access rights to the data related to the online prescribing anddispensing of a drug under this chapter and that is used and stored in the Internet facilitator'ssystem; and
(b) the information available to the online prescriber.
(3) An Internet facilitator licensed under this chapter shall provide to the division, at thetimes designated by the division by administrative rule, a report containing the followinginformation:
(a) the number of prescriptions issued by the online prescribers associated with theInternet facilitator by drug name;
(b) the number of comprehensive histories/assessments received by the Internetfacilitator;
(c) the number of comprehensive histories/assessments reviewed by an online prescriber;
(d) the demographic data of the patients receiving prescriptions through the Internetfacilitator;
(e) the number of prescriptions:
(i) dispensed by the online contract pharmacy; or
(ii) transferred to a different pharmacy at the patient's request; and
(f) any other information specified by the division by administrative rule.
(4) The division's authority to conduct an audit pursuant to this chapter shall survive anytermination or expiration of any prescriptive authority for online prescribing, dispensing, orfacilitation.
Enacted by Chapter 180, 2010 General Session