(5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (2) and except as provided in Subsection (6), aperson allowed by law an extension of time for filing a corporate franchise or income tax returnunder Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, or an individual income tax returnunder Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, is subject to a penalty in the amount described inSubsection (5)(b) if, on or before the day on which the return is due as provided by law, notincluding the extension of time, the person fails to pay:
(i) for a person filing a corporate franchise or income tax return under Chapter 7,Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, the payment required by Subsection 59-7-507(1)(b); or
(ii) for a person filing an individual income tax return under Chapter 10, IndividualIncome Tax Act, the payment required by Subsection 59-10-516(2).
(b) For purposes of Subsection (5)(a), the penalty per month during the period of theextension of time for filing the return is an amount equal to 2% of the tax due on the return,unpaid as of the day on which the return is due as provided by law.
(6) If a person does not file a return within an extension of time allowed by Section59-7-505 or 59-10-516, the person:
(a) is not subject to a penalty in the amount described in Subsection (5)(b); and
(b) is subject to a penalty in an amount equal to the sum of:
(i) a late file penalty in an amount equal to the greater of:
(A) $20; or
(B) 10% of the tax due on the return, unpaid as of the day on which the return is due asprovided by law, not including the extension of time; and
(ii) a late pay penalty in an amount equal to the greater of:
(A) $20; or
(B) 10% of the unpaid tax due on the return, unpaid as of the day on which the return isdue as provided by law, not including the extension of time.
(7) (a) Additional penalties for an underpayment of a tax, fee, or charge are as providedin this Subsection (7)(a).
(i) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(c), if any portion of an underpayment of a tax,fee, or charge is due to negligence, the penalty is 10% of the portion of the underpayment that isdue to negligence.
(ii) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(d), if any portion of an underpayment of a tax,fee, or charge is due to intentional disregard of law or rule, the penalty is 15% of the entireunderpayment.
(iii) If any portion of an underpayment is due to an intent to evade a tax, fee, or charge,the penalty is the greater of $500 per period or 50% of the entire underpayment.
(iv) If any portion of an underpayment is due to fraud with intent to evade a tax, fee, orcharge, the penalty is the greater of $500 per period or 100% of the entire underpayment.
(b) If the commission determines that a person is liable for a penalty imposed underSubsection (7)(a)(ii), (iii), or (iv), the commission shall notify the person of the proposed penalty.
(i) The notice of proposed penalty shall:
(A) set forth the basis of the assessment; and
(B) be mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, to the person's last-known address.
(ii) Upon receipt of the notice of proposed penalty, the person against whom the penaltyis proposed may:
fails to contain information from which the correctness of reported tax, fee, or charge liabilitycan be determined or that clearly indicates that the tax, fee, or charge liability shown issubstantially incorrect, the penalty is $500.
(10) (a) A seller that fails to remit a tax, fee, or charge monthly as required by Subsection59-12-108(1)(a):
(i) is subject to a penalty described in Subsection (2); and
(ii) may not retain the percentage of sales and use taxes that would otherwise beallowable under Subsection 59-12-108(2).
(b) A seller that fails to remit a tax, fee, or charge by electronic funds transfer as requiredby Subsection 59-12-108(1)(a)(ii)(B):
(i) is subject to a penalty described in Subsection (2); and
(ii) may not retain the percentage of sales and use taxes that would otherwise beallowable under Subsection 59-12-108(2).
(11) (a) A person is subject to the penalty provided in Subsection (11)(c) if that person:
(i) commits an act described in Subsection (11)(b) with respect to one or more of thefollowing documents:
(A) a return;
(B) an affidavit;
(C) a claim; or
(D) a document similar to Subsections (11)(a)(i)(A) through (C);
(ii) knows or has reason to believe that the document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i)will be used in connection with any material matter administered by the commission; and
(iii) knows that the document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i), if used in connectionwith any material matter administered by the commission, would result in an understatement ofanother person's liability for a tax, fee, or charge.
(b) The following acts apply to Subsection (11)(a)(i):
(i) preparing any portion of a document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
(ii) presenting any portion of a document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
(iii) procuring any portion of a document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i);
(iv) advising in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described inSubsection (11)(a)(i);
(v) aiding in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described inSubsection (11)(a)(i);
(vi) assisting in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described inSubsection (11)(a)(i); or
(vii) counseling in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document describedin Subsection (11)(a)(i).
(c) For purposes of Subsection (11)(a), the penalty:
(i) shall be imposed by the commission;
(ii) is $500 for each document described in Subsection (11)(a)(i) with respect to whichthe person described in Subsection (11)(a) meets the requirements of Subsection (11)(a); and
(iii) is in addition to any other penalty provided by law.
(d) The commission may seek a court order to enjoin a person from engaging in conductthat is subject to a penalty under this Subsection (11).
(e) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
commission may make rules prescribing the documents that are similar to Subsections(11)(a)(i)(A) through (C).
(12) (a) As provided in Section 76-8-1101, criminal offenses and penalties are asprovided in Subsections (12)(b) through (e).
(b) (i) A person who is required by this title or any laws the commission administers orregulates to register with or obtain a license or permit from the commission, who operateswithout having registered or secured a license or permit, or who operates when the registration,license, or permit is expired or not current, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
(ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of Subsection (12)(b)(i), the penaltymay not:
(A) be less than $500; or
(B) exceed $1,000.
(c) (i) A person who, with intent to evade a tax, fee, or charge or requirement of this titleor any lawful requirement of the commission, fails to make, render, sign, or verify a return or tosupply information within the time required by law, or who makes, renders, signs, or verifies afalse or fraudulent return or statement, or who supplies false or fraudulent information, is guiltyof a third degree felony.
(ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of Subsection (12)(c)(i), the penaltymay not:
(A) be less than $1,000; or
(B) exceed $5,000.
(d) (i) A person who intentionally or willfully attempts to evade or defeat a tax, fee, orcharge or the payment of a tax, fee, or charge is, in addition to other penalties provided by law,guilty of a second degree felony.
(ii) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of Subsection (12)(d)(i), the penaltymay not:
(A) be less than $1,500; or
(B) exceed $25,000.
(e) (i) A person is guilty of a second degree felony if that person commits an act:
(A) described in Subsection (12)(e)(ii) with respect to one or more of the followingdocuments:
(I) a return;
(II) an affidavit;
(III) a claim; or
(IV) a document similar to Subsections (12)(e)(i)(A)(I) through (III); and
(B) subject to Subsection (12)(e)(iii), with knowledge that the document described inSubsection (12)(e)(i)(A):
(I) is false or fraudulent as to any material matter; and
(II) could be used in connection with any material matter administered by thecommission.
(ii) The following acts apply to Subsection (12)(e)(i):
(A) preparing any portion of a document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
(B) presenting any portion of a document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
(C) procuring any portion of a document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
(D) advising in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described in
Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
(E) aiding in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described inSubsection (12)(e)(i)(A);
(F) assisting in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document described inSubsection (12)(e)(i)(A); or
(G) counseling in the preparation or presentation of any portion of a document describedin Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A).
(iii) This Subsection (12)(e) applies:
(A) regardless of whether the person for which the document described in Subsection(12)(e)(i)(A) is prepared or presented:
(I) knew of the falsity of the document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A); or
(II) consented to the falsity of the document described in Subsection (12)(e)(i)(A); and
(B) in addition to any other penalty provided by law.
(iv) Notwithstanding Section 76-3-301, for purposes of this Subsection (12)(e), thepenalty may not:
(A) be less than $1,500; or
(B) exceed $25,000.
(v) The commission may seek a court order to enjoin a person from engaging in conductthat is subject to a penalty under this Subsection (12)(e).
(vi) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thecommission may make rules prescribing the documents that are similar to Subsections(12)(e)(i)(A)(I) through (III).
(f) The statute of limitations for prosecution for a violation of this Subsection (12) is thelater of six years:
(i) from the date the tax should have been remitted; or
(ii) after the day on which the person commits the criminal offense.
(13) Upon making a record of its actions, and upon reasonable cause shown, thecommission may waive, reduce, or compromise any of the penalties or interest imposed underthis part.
Amended by Chapter 233, 2010 General Session