factor of the foreign subsidiary by a fraction, but not to exceed 100%, the numerator of which isthe amount of the dividend paid by the foreign subsidiary which is included in adjusted income,and the denominator of which is the current year earnings and profits of the foreign subsidiary asdetermined under the Internal Revenue Code;
(12) (a) 50% of the adjusted income of a foreign operating company unless the taxpayerhas elected to file a worldwide combined report as provided in Section 59-7-403. For purposesof this Subsection (12), when calculating the adjusted income of a foreign operating company, aforeign operating company may not deduct the subtractions allowable under this Subsection (12)and Subsection (11);
(b) in determining income apportionable to this state, the factors for a foreign operatingcompany shall be included in the combined report factors in the same percentage its adjustedincome is included in the combined adjusted income;
(13) the amount of gain or loss which is included in unadjusted income but notrecognized for federal purposes on stock sold or exchanged by a member of a sellingconsolidated group as defined in Section 338, Internal Revenue Code, if an election has beenmade pursuant to Section 338(h)(10), Internal Revenue Code;
(14) the amount of gain or loss which is included in unadjusted income but notrecognized for federal purposes on stock sold, exchanged, or distributed by a corporationpursuant to Section 336(e), Internal Revenue Code, if an election under Section 336(e), InternalRevenue Code, has been made for federal purposes;
(15) (a) adjustments to gains, losses, depreciation expense, amortization expense, andsimilar items due to a difference between basis for federal purposes and basis as computed underSection 59-7-107; and
(b) if there has been a reduction in federal basis for a federal tax credit where there is nocorresponding Utah tax credit, the amount of the reduction in basis shall be allowed as anexpense in the year of the federal credit;
(16) any interest expense not deducted on the federal corporate return under Section265(b) or 291(e), Internal Revenue Code;
(17) 100% of the dividends received from subsidiaries which are insurance companiesexempt from this chapter under Subsection 59-7-102(1)(c) and are under common ownership;
(18) subject to Subsection 59-7-105(12), the amount of a qualified investment as definedin Section 53B-8a-102 that:
(a) a corporation that is an account owner as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 makesduring the taxable year;
(b) the corporation described in Subsection (18)(a) does not deduct on a federalcorporation income tax return; and
(c) does not exceed the maximum amount of the qualified investment that may besubtracted from unadjusted income for a taxable year in accordance with Subsection53B-8a-106(1); and
(19) for purposes of income included in a combined report under Part 4, CombinedReporting, the entire amount of the dividends a member of a unitary group receives or isconsidered to receive from a captive real estate investment trust.
Amended by Chapter 6, 2010 General Session