59-7-534. Failure to pay tax -- Suspension or forfeiture of corporate rights. (1) If a tax computed and levied under this chapter is not paid before 5 p.m. on the lastday of the 11th month after the date of delinquency, the corporate powers, rights, and privilegesof the delinquent taxpayer, if it is a domestic corporation, shall be suspended, and if a foreigncorporation, it shall forfeit its rights to do intrastate business in this state.
(2) The commission shall transmit the name of each such corporation to the Division ofCorporations and Commercial Code, which shall immediately record the same in such mannerthat it may be available to the public. This suspension or forfeiture shall become effective fromthe time such record is made, and the certificate of the Division of Corporations and CommercialCode shall be prima facie evidence of such suspension or forfeiture.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 169, 1993 General Session