59-12-210. Commission to provide data to counties. (1) (a) The commission shall provide to each county the sales and use tax collection datanecessary to verify that sales and use tax revenues collected by the commission are distributed to eachcounty, city, and town in accordance with Sections
59-12-211 through
(b) The data described in Subsection (1)(a) shall include the commission's reports of sellersales, sales and use tax distribution reports, and a breakdown of local revenues.
(2) (a) In addition to the access to information provided in Subsection (1) and Section
59-12-109, the commission shall provide a county, city, or town with copies of returns and otherinformation required by this chapter relating to a tax under this chapter.
(b) The information described in Subsection (2)(a) is available only in official matters and mustbe requested in writing by the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's designee.
(c) The request described in Subsection (2)(b) shall specifically indicate the information beingsought and how the information will be used.
(d) Information received pursuant to the request described in Subsection (2)(b) shall be:
(i) classified as private or protected under Section
63G-2-302 or
63G-2-305; and
(ii) subject to the confidentiality provisions of Section
Amended by Chapter 240, 2009 General Session