bad faith.
(5) (a) Subject to Subsection (10), and except as provided in Subsections (7), (8), (9),(11), and (13), if Subsection (2), (3), or (4) does not apply, the location of the transaction is thelocation indicated by an address for the purchaser if:
(i) the address is obtained during the consummation of the transaction; and
(ii) use of the address described in Subsection (5)(a)(i) does not constitute bad faith.
(b) An address used under Subsection (5)(a) includes the address of a purchaser'spayment instrument if no other address is available.
(6) Subject to Subsection (10), and except as provided in Subsections (7), (8), (9), (11),and (13), if Subsection (2), (3), (4), or (5) does not apply or if a seller does not have sufficientinformation to apply Subsection (2), (3), (4), or (5), the location of the transaction is the location:
(a) indicated by the address from which:
(i) except as provided in Subsection (6)(a)(ii), for tangible personal property that issubject to taxation under this chapter, the tangible personal property is shipped;
(ii) for computer software delivered electronically or for a product transferredelectronically that is subject to taxation under this chapter, the computer software or producttransferred electronically is first available for transmission by the seller; or
(iii) for a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter, the service is provided; or
(b) as determined by the seller with respect to a prepaid wireless calling service:
(i) provided in Subsection (6)(a)(iii); or
(ii) associated with the mobile telephone number.
(7) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (7), "shared ZIP Code" means a nine-digit ZIPCode that is located within two or more local taxing jurisdictions.
(b) If the location of a transaction determined under Subsections (3) through (6) is in ashared ZIP Code, the location of the transaction is:
(i) if there is only one local taxing jurisdiction that imposes the lowest agreementcombined tax rate for the shared ZIP Code, the local taxing jurisdiction that imposes the lowestagreement combined tax rate; or
(ii) if two or more local taxing jurisdictions impose the lowest agreement combined taxrate for the shared ZIP Code, the local taxing jurisdiction that:
(A) imposes the lowest agreement combined tax rate for the shared ZIP Code; and
(B) has located within the local taxing jurisdiction the largest number of street addresseswithin the shared ZIP Code.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision under this chapter authorizing or requiring theimposition of a sales and use tax, for purposes of Subsection (7)(b), a seller shall collect a salesand use tax imposed under this chapter at the lowest agreement combined tax rate imposedwithin the local taxing jurisdiction in which the transaction is located under Subsection (7)(b).
(d) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thecommission may make rules:
(i) providing for the circumstances under which a seller has exercised due diligence indetermining the nine-digit ZIP Code for an address; or
(ii) notwithstanding Subsection (7)(b), for determining the local taxing jurisdictionwithin which a transaction is located if a seller is unable to determine the local taxing jurisdictionwithin which the transaction is located under Subsection (7)(b).
(8) The location of a transaction made with a direct payment permit described in Section
59-12-107.1 is the location where receipt of the tangible personal property, product, or service bythe purchaser occurs.
(9) The location of a purchase of direct mail is the location determined in accordancewith Section 59-12-123.
(10) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(b), the location of a transactiondetermined under Subsections (3) through (6), (8), or (9), is the local taxing jurisdiction withinwhich:
(i) the nine-digit ZIP Code assigned to the location determined under Subsections (3)through (6), (8), or (9) is located; or
(ii) the five-digit ZIP Code assigned to the location determined under Subsections (3)through (6), (8), or (9) is located if:
(A) a nine-digit ZIP Code is not available for the location determined under Subsections(3) through (6), (8), or (9); or
(B) after exercising due diligence, a seller or certified service provider is unable todetermine a nine-digit ZIP Code for the location determined under Subsections (3) through (6),(8), or (9).
(b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thecommission may make rules for determining the local taxing jurisdiction within which atransaction is located if a seller or certified service provider is unable to determine the localtaxing jurisdiction within which the transaction is located under Subsection (10)(a).
(11) (a) As used in this Subsection (11), "florist delivery transaction" means a transactioncommenced by a florist that transmits an order:
(i) by:
(A) telegraph;
(B) telephone; or
(C) a means of communication similar to Subsection (11)(a)(i)(A) or (B); and
(ii) for delivery to another place:
(A) in this state; or
(B) outside this state.
(b) Notwithstanding Subsections (3) through (6), beginning on January 1, 2009, andending on December 31, 2009, the location of a florist delivery transaction is the businesslocation of the florist that commences the florist delivery transaction.
(c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thecommission may by rule:
(i) define:
(A) "business location"; and
(B) "florist";
(ii) define what constitutes a means of communication similar to Subsection (11)(a)(i)(A)or (B); and
(iii) provide procedures for determining when a transaction is commenced.
(12) (a) A tax collected under this chapter shall be reported to the commission on a formthat identifies the location of each transaction that occurs during the return filing period.
(b) The form described in Subsection (12)(a) shall be filed with the commission asrequired under this chapter.
(13) This section does not apply to:
Amended by Chapter 142, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 234, 2010 General Session
Amended by Chapter 263, 2010 General Session