59-12-2207. Commission authority to retain a percentage of revenues collectedfrom a sales and use tax under this part -- Deposit of revenues into the Sales and Use TaxAdministrative Fees Account -- Expenditure of revenues. (1) The commission may retain a percentage of revenues collected from a sales and usetax under this part of not to exceed the lesser of:
(a) 1.50%; or
(b) a percentage of revenues collected from a sales and use tax under this part sufficientto cover the cost to the commission of administering this part.
(2) The commission shall:
(a) deposit any revenues the commission retains under Subsection (1) into the Sales andUse Tax Administrative Fees Account; and
(b) expend the revenues described in Subsection (2)(a) as provided in Subsection
Enacted by Chapter 263, 2010 General Session