59-19-106. Civil penalty -- Criminal penalty -- Statute of limitations -- Burden ofproof. (1) Any dealer violating this chapter is subject to a penalty of 100% of the tax in additionto the tax imposed by Section
59-19-103. The penalty shall be collected as part of the tax.
(2) In addition to the tax penalty imposed, a dealer distributing or possessing marihuanaor controlled substances without affixing the appropriate stamps, labels, or other indicia is guiltyof a third degree felony.
(3) An information, indictment, or complaint may be filed upon any criminal offenseunder this chapter within six years after the commission of the offense. This subsectionsupersedes any provisions to the contrary.
(4) Any tax and penalties assessed by the commission are presumed to be valid andcorrect. The burden is on the taxpayer to show their incorrectness or invalidity.
Amended by Chapter 242, 1989 General Session