61-1-11.1. Hearings for certain exchanges of securities. (1) An application may be made to the division for approval to issue securities or todeliver other consideration in exchange for:
(a) one or more outstanding securities, claims, or property interests; or
(b) partly in exchange for one or more outstanding securities, claims, or propertyinterests, and partly for cash.
(2) The director may:
(a) hold a hearing upon the fairness of the terms and conditions of an exchange describedin Subsection (1); and
(b) approve or disapprove the terms and conditions of an exchange described inSubsection (1).
(3) After conducting a hearing under this section, if the director finds that the terms andconditions of an exchange described in Subsection (1) are fair to those to whom the securitieswill be issued, the director may:
(a) approve the fairness of the terms and conditions of the exchange described inSubsection (1); and
(b) approve the exchange described in Subsection (1).
(4) In a hearing under this section, all persons to whom it is proposed to issue securitiesor to deliver other consideration in an exchange under Subsection (1) may appear.
(5) An application under Subsection (1) shall contain the information and beaccompanied by the documents required by rule or order of the division.
(6) A person filing an application under Subsection (1) shall pay a filing fee asdetermined under Section
(7) An applicant under this section shall provide adequate notice of any hearing underthis section to all persons that have a right to appear, under Subsection (4), at the hearing.
(8) An application may be made under this section regardless of whether the security ortransaction being issued is:
(a) exempt from registration; or
(b) not required to be registered.
(9) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, thedivision may establish rules to govern the conduct of a hearing permitted by this section inaccordance with Sections
61-1-18.5 and
(10) This section is intended to provide for a fairness hearing that satisfies therequirements of Securities Act of 1933, Section 3(a)(10), 15 U.S.C. Section 77c(a)(10), or anycomparable section that may subsequently be enacted.
Amended by Chapter 351, 2009 General Session