61-2b-24. Expert witness, licensing, certification, registration documents --Assigned number to be used on contracts -- Surrender of documents upon suspension. (1) The division shall issue to a person approved as an expert witness, licensed, certified,or registered under this chapter a document:
(a) stating that the person is approved as an expert witness, licensed, certified, orregistered under this chapter; and
(b) specifying the expiration date of a license or certification.
(2) (a) An approval as an expert witness, a license, a certification, or a registrationdocument issued under this chapter shall bear an approval, license, certification, or registrationnumber assigned by the division.
(b) An assigned number shall be used in a statement of qualification, a contract, oranother instrument used by the holder of the approval, license, certificate, or registration whenreference is made to the holder's status as being approved, licensed, certified, or registered underthis chapter.
(3) (a) An approval, license, certification, or registration document is the property of thestate.
(b) Upon a suspension or revocation of a license, certification, or registration under thischapter, the individual holding the applicable document shall immediately return the document tothe division.
Amended by Chapter 387, 2008 General Session