62A-2-108. Licensure requirements -- Expiration -- Renewal. (1) Except as provided in Section
62A-2-110, a person, agency, firm, corporation,association, or governmental unit, acting severally or jointly with any other person, agency, firm,corporation, association, or governmental unit, may not establish, conduct, or maintain a humanservices program in this state without a valid and current license issued by and under theauthority of the office as provided by this chapter and the rules under the authority of thischapter.
(2) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (2), "member" means a person or entity that isassociated with another person or entity:
(i) as a member;
(ii) as a partner;
(iii) as a shareholder; or
(iv) as a person or entity involved in the ownership or management of a residentialtreatment program owned or managed by the other person or entity.
(b) A license issued under this chapter may not be assigned or transferred.
(c) An application for a license under this chapter shall be treated as an application forreinstatement of a revoked license if:
(i) (A) the person or entity applying for the license had a license revoked under thischapter; and
(B) the revoked license described in Subsection (2)(c)(i)(A) is not reinstated before theapplication described in this Subsection (2)(c) is made; or
(ii) a member of an entity applying for the license:
(A) (I) had a license revoked under this chapter; and
(II) the revoked license described in Subsection (2)(c)(ii)(A)(I) is not reinstated beforethe application described in this Subsection (2)(c) is made; or
(B) (I) was a member of an entity that had a license revoked under this chapter at anytime before the license was revoked; and
(II) the revoked license described in Subsection (2)(c)(ii)(B)(I) is not reinstated beforethe application described in this Subsection (2)(c) is made.
(3) A current license shall at all times be posted in the facility where each humanservices program is operated, in a place that is visible and readily accessible to the public.
(4) (a) Each license issued under this chapter expires at midnight 12 months from thedate of issuance unless it has been:
(i) previously revoked by the office; or
(ii) voluntarily returned to the office by the licensee.
(b) A license shall be renewed upon application and payment of the applicable fee, unlessthe office finds that the licensee:
(i) is not in compliance with the:
(A) provisions of this chapter; or
(B) rules made under this chapter;
(ii) has engaged in a pattern of noncompliance with the:
(A) provisions of this chapter; or
(B) rules made under this chapter;
(iii) has engaged in conduct that is grounds for denying a license under Section
62A-2-112; or
(iv) has engaged in conduct that poses a substantial risk of harm to any person.
(5) Any licensee that is in operation at the time rules are made in accordance with thischapter shall be given a reasonable time for compliance as determined by the rule.
(6) (a) A license for a human services program issued under this section shall apply to aspecific human services program site.
(b) A human services program shall obtain a separate license for each site where thehuman services program is operated.
Amended by Chapter 75, 2009 General Session