superintendent to respond to a proposed plan within 45 days of receipt of the plan is equivalent toapproval of the plan by the local school board or school district superintendent if the humanservices program provides to the office:
(a) proof that:
(i) the human services program submitted the proposed plan to the local school board orschool district superintendent; and
(ii) more than 45 days have passed from the day on which the plan was submitted; and
(b) an affidavit, on a form produced by the office, stating:
(i) the date that the human services program submitted the proposed plan to the localschool board or school district superintendent;
(ii) that more than 45 days have passed from the day on which the plan was submitted;and
(iii) that the local school board or school district superintendent described in Subsection(5)(b)(i) failed to respond to the proposed plan within 45 days from the day on which the planwas submitted.
(6) If a licensee that is licensed to serve an education entitled child fails to comply withits approved educational service plan or educational funding plan, then:
(a) the office shall give the licensee notice of intent to revoke the licensee's license; and
(b) if the licensee continues its noncompliance for more than 30 days after receipt of thenotice described in Subsection (6)(a), the office shall revoke the licensee's license.
(7) If an education entitled child whose custodial parent or legal guardian resides withinthe state is provided with educational services by a school district other than the school district inwhich the custodial parent or legal guardian resides, then the funding provisions of Section53A-2-210 apply.
(8) A human services program that is an accredited private school:
(a) for purposes of Subsection (2):
(i) is only required to submit proof to the office that the accreditation of the privateschool is current; and
(ii) is not required to submit an educational service plan for approval by an entitydescribed in Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
(b) for purposes of Subsection (3):
(i) is only required to submit proof to the office that all costs for educational servicesprovided to education entitled children will be borne by the human services program; and
(ii) is not required to submit an educational funding plan for approval by an entitydescribed in Subsection (3)(a)(ii); and
(c) is not required to comply with Subsections (4) and (5).
(9) Except for Subsection (7), the provisions of this section do not apply to a humanservices program that is:
(a) a foster home; and
(b) required to be licensed by the office.
Amended by Chapter 81, 2007 General Session