62A-2-108.5. Notification requirement for child placing agencies that providefoster home services -- Rulemaking authority. (1) The office shall require a child placing agency that provides foster home services tonotify a foster parent that if the foster parent signs as the responsible adult for a foster child toreceive a driver license under Section
(a) the foster parent is jointly and severally liable with the minor for civil compensatorydamages caused by the minor when operating a motor vehicle upon a highway as provided underSubsections
53-3-211(2) and (4); and
(b) the foster parent may file with the Driver License Division a verified written requestthat the learner permit or driver license be canceled in accordance with Section
53-3-211 if thefoster child no longer resides with the foster parent.
(2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, theoffice may make rules establishing the procedures for a child placing agency to provide thenotification required under this section.
Enacted by Chapter 314, 2008 General Session