62A-3-204. Powers and responsibilities of ombudsman. The long-term care ombudsman shall:
(1) comply with Title VII of the federal Older Americans Act, 42 U.S.C. 3058 et seq.;
(2) establish procedures for and engage in receiving complaints, conductinginvestigations, reporting findings, issuing findings and recommendations, promoting communitycontact and involvement with elderly residents of long-term care facilities through the use ofvolunteers, and publicizing its functions and activities;
(3) investigate an administrative act or omission of any long-term care facility orgovernmental agency if the act or omission relates to the purposes of the ombudsman. Theombudsman may exercise its authority under this subsection without regard to the finality of theadministrative act or omission, and it may make findings in order to resolve the subject matter ofits investigation;
(4) recommend to the division rules that it considers necessary to carry out the purposesof the ombudsman;
(5) cooperate and coordinate with governmental entities and voluntary assistanceorganizations in exercising its powers and responsibilities;
(6) request and receive cooperation, assistance, services, and data from any governmentalagency, to enable it to properly exercise its powers and responsibilities;
(7) establish local ombudsman programs to assist in carrying out the purposes of thispart, which shall meet the standards developed by the division, and possess all of the authorityand power granted to the long-term care ombudsman program under this part; and
(8) exercise other powers and responsibilities as reasonably required to carry out thepurposes of this part.
Amended by Chapter 75, 2009 General Session