62A-3-315. Protective services voluntary unless court ordered. (1) Vulnerable adults who receive protective services under this part shall do soknowingly or voluntarily or upon district court order.
(2) Protective services may be provided without a court order for a vulnerable adult whodoes not lack capacity to consent and who requests or knowingly or voluntarily consents to thoseservices. Protective services may also be provided for a vulnerable adult whose guardian orconservator with authority to consent does consent to those services. When short-term, limitedprotective services are provided, the division and the recipient, or the recipient's guardian orconservator, shall execute a written agreement setting forth the purposes and limitations of theservices to be provided. If consent is subsequently withdrawn by the recipient, the recipient'sguardian or conservator, or the court, services, including any investigation, shall cease.
(3) The court may order protective services to be provided to a vulnerable adult whodoes not consent or who lacks capacity to consent to services in accordance with this part.
Enacted by Chapter 108, 2002 General Session