62A-4a-202.8. Child protection team meeting -- Timing. (1) Subject to Subsection (2), if the division files a petition under Section
78A-6-304, thedivision shall convene a child protection team meeting to:
(a) review the circumstances of the filing of the petition; and
(b) develop or review implementation of a safety plan to protect the child from furtherabuse, neglect, or dependency.
(2) The child protection team meeting required under Subsection (1) shall be held withinthe shorter of:
(a) 14 days of the day on which the petition is filed under Section
78A-6-304 if theconditions of Subsection (2)(b) or (c) are not met;
(b) 24 hours of the filing of the petition under Section
78A-6-304, excluding weekendsand holidays, if the child who is the subject of the petition will likely be taken into protectivecustody unless there is an expedited hearing and services ordered under the protectivesupervision of the court; or
(c) 24 hours after receipt of a child into protective custody, excluding weekends andholidays, if the child is taken into protective custody as provided in Section
(3) The child protection team shall include as many persons under Subsection
62A-4a-202.3(6)(b) as appropriate.
(4) At its meeting the child protection team shall review the complete child protectiveservices and foster care history of the child and the child's parents and siblings.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session