62A-4a-203.5. Mandatory petition for termination of parental rights. (1) For purposes of this section, "abandoned infant" means a child who is 12 months ofage or younger whose parent or parents:
(a) although having legal custody of the child, fail to maintain physical custody of thechild without making arrangements for the care of the child;
(b) have failed to maintain physical custody, and have failed to exhibit the normalinterest of a natural parent without just cause; or
(c) are unwilling to have physical custody of the child.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), notwithstanding any other provision of thischapter or of Title 78A, Chapter 6, Juvenile Court Act of 1996, the division shall file a petitionfor termination of parental rights with regard to:
(a) an abandoned infant; or
(b) a parent, whenever a court has determined that the parent has:
(i) committed murder or child abuse homicide of another child of that parent;
(ii) committed manslaughter of another child of that parent;
(iii) aided, abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited to commit murder, child abusehomicide, or manslaughter against another child of that parent; or
(iv) committed a felony assault or abuse that has resulted in serious physical injury toanother child of that parent, or to the other parent of that child.
(3) The division is not required to file a petition for termination of parental rights underSubsection (2) if:
(a) the child is being cared for by a relative;
(b) the division has:
(i) documented in the child's child and family plan a compelling reason for determiningthat filing a petition for termination of parental rights is not in the child's best interest; and
(ii) made that child and family plan available to the court for its review; or
(c) (i) the court has previously determined, in accordance with the provisions andlimitations of Sections
78A-6-306, and
78A-6-312, that reasonableefforts to reunify the child with the child's parent or parents were required; and
(ii) the division has not provided, within the time period specified in the child and familyplan, services that had been determined to be necessary for the safe return of the child.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session