a relative, shall comply with the criminal background check provisions described in Section78A-6-308 for adults living in the household where the child will be placed;
(d) shall complete a limited home inspection of the home where the emergencyplacement is made; and
(e) shall have the emergency placement approved by a family service specialist.
(4) (a) The following order of preference shall be applied when determining the personwith whom a child will be placed in an emergency placement described in this section, providedthat the person is willing, and has the ability, to care for the child:
(i) a noncustodial parent of the child in accordance with Section 78A-6-307;
(ii) a relative of the child;
(iii) subject to Subsection (4)(b), a friend designated by the custodial parent or guardianof the child, if the friend is a licensed foster parent; and
(iv) a shelter facility, former foster placement, or other foster placement designated bythe division.
(b) Unless the division agrees otherwise, the custodial parent or guardian described inSubsection (4)(a)(iii) may only designate one friend as a potential emergency placement.
(5) (a) The division may, pending the outcome of the investigation described inSubsections (5)(b) and (c), place a child in emergency placement with the child's noncustodialparent if, based on a limited investigation, prior to making the emergency placement, thedivision:
(i) determines that the noncustodial parent has regular, unsupervised visitation with thechild that is not prohibited by law or court order;
(ii) determines that there is not reason to believe that the child's health or safety will beendangered during the emergency placement; and
(iii) has the custodial parent or guardian sign an emergency placement agreement.
(b) Either before or after making an emergency placement with the noncustodial parentof the child, the division may conduct the investigation described in Subsection (3)(a) in relationto the noncustodial parent.
(c) Before, or within one day, excluding weekends and holidays, after a child is placed inan emergency placement with the noncustodial parent of the child, the division shall conduct alimited:
(i) background check of the noncustodial parent, pursuant to Subsection (7); and
(ii) inspection of the home where the emergency placement is made.
(6) After an emergency placement, the division caseworker must:
(a) respond to the emergency placement's calls within one hour if the custodial parents orguardians attempt to make unauthorized contact with the child or attempt to remove the child;
(b) complete all removal paperwork, including the notice provided to the custodialparents and guardians under Section 78A-6-306;
(c) contact the attorney general to schedule a shelter hearing;
(d) complete the placement procedures required in Section 78A-6-307; and
(e) continue to search for other relatives as a possible long-term placement, if needed.
(7) (a) The background check described in Subsection (3)(c)(i) shall include:
(i) completion of a nonfingerprint-based, Utah Bureau of Criminal Identificationbackground check; and
(ii) a completed search of the Management Information System described in Section
(b) The division shall determine whether a person passes the background check describedin this Subsection (7) pursuant to the provisions of Subsections 62A-2-120(2), (3), and (8).
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (7)(b), the division may not place a child with anindividual who is prohibited by court order from having access to that child.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 17, 2008 General Session