62A-4a-250. Separate programs and procedures for minors committed to thecustody of the Division of Child and Family Services on grounds other than abuse orneglect -- Attorney general responsibility. (1) On or before July 1, 1998, the division shall have established programs designed tomeet the needs of minors who have not been adjudicated as abused or neglected, but who areotherwise committed to the custody of the division by the juvenile court pursuant to Section
78A-6-117, and who are classified in the division's management information system as havingbeen placed in custody primarily on the basis of delinquent behavior or a status offense.
(2) (a) The processes and procedures designed to meet the needs of children who areabused or neglected, described in Part 2 and in Title 78A, Chapter 6, Part 3, Abuse, Neglect, andDependency Proceedings, are not applicable to the minors described in Subsection (1).
(b) The procedures described in Subsection
78A-6-118(2)(a) are applicable to the minorsdescribed in Subsection (1).
(3) As of July 1, 1998, the attorney general's office has the responsibility to represent thedivision with regard to actions involving minors described in Subsection (1). Nothing in thissection may be construed to affect the responsibility of the county attorney or district attorney torepresent the state in those matters, in accordance with Section
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session