62A-5-317. Authority to transfer resident. (1) The administrator of a mental retardation facility, or his designee, may transfer orauthorize the transfer of a resident to another mental retardation facility if, before the transfer, theadministrator conducts a careful evaluation of the resident and his treatment needs, anddetermines that a transfer would be in the best interest of that resident. If a resident istransferred, the administrator shall give immediate notice of the transfer to the resident's spouse,guardian, parent, or advocate or, if none of those persons are known, to the resident's nearestknown relative.
(2) If a resident, or his parent or guardian, objects to a proposed transfer under thissection, the administrator shall conduct a hearing on the objection before a committee composedof persons selected by the administrator. That committee shall hear all evidence and make arecommendation to the administrator concerning the proposed transfer. The transfer may nottake effect until the committee holds that hearing and the administrator renders a final decisionon the proposed transfer.
Amended by Chapter 114, 2004 General Session