62A-5a-105. Coordination of services for school-age children. (1) Within appropriations authorized by the Legislature, the state director of specialeducation, the executive director of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation, the executive directorof the Department of Human Services, and the family health services director within theDepartment of Health, or their designees, and the affected local school district shall cooperativelydevelop a single coordinated education program, treatment services, and individual and familysupports for students entitled to a free appropriate education under Title 53A, Chapter 15, Part 3,Education of Children with Disabilities, who also require services from the Department ofHuman Services, the Department of Health, or the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation.
(2) Distribution of costs for services and supports described in Subsection (1) shall bedetermined through a process established by the State Board of Education, the Department ofHuman Services, and the Department of Health.
Amended by Chapter 179, 1996 General Session