62A-5b-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Disability" has the same meaning as defined in 42 U.S.C. 12102 of the AmericansWith Disabilities Act of 1990, as may be amended in the future, and 28 C.F.R. 36.104 of theCode of Federal Regulations, as may be amended in the future.
(2) "Restaurant":
(a) includes any coffee shop, cafeteria, luncheonette, soda fountain, dining room, orfast-food service where food is prepared or served for immediate consumption; and
(b) does not include:
(i) any retail establishment whose primary business or function is the sale of fuel or fooditems for off-premise, but not immediate, consumption; and
(ii) except for a dinner theater, a theater that sells food items.
(3) "Service animal" means:
(a) (i) a guide dog;
(ii) a signal dog; or
(iii) any other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of aperson with a disability, including:
(A) guiding a person with impaired vision;
(B) alerting a person with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds;
(C) providing minimal protection or rescue work;
(D) pulling a wheelchair; or
(E) fetching dropped items; or
(b) an animal in training to become an animal described in Subsection (3)(a).
Amended by Chapter 110, 2009 General Session