62A-5b-103. Rights and privileges of a person with a disability. (1) A person with a disability has the same rights and privileges in the use of highways,streets, sidewalks, walkways, public buildings, public facilities, and other public areas as aperson who is not a person with a disability.
(2) A person with a disability has equal rights to accommodations, advantages, andfacilities offered by common carriers, including air carriers, railroad carriers, motor buses, motorvehicles, water carriers, and all other modes of public conveyance in this state.
(3) A person with a disability has equal rights to accommodations, advantages, andfacilities offered by hotels, motels, lodges, and all other places of public accommodation in thisstate, and to places of amusement or resort to which the public is invited.
(4) (a) A person with a disability has equal rights and access to public and privatehousing accommodations offered for rent, lease, or other compensation in this state.
(b) This chapter does not require a person renting, leasing, or selling private housing orreal property to modify the housing or property in order to accommodate a person with adisability or to provide a higher degree of care for that person than for someone who is not aperson with a disability.
(c) A person renting, leasing, or selling private housing or real property to a person witha disability shall comply with the provisions of Section
62A-5b-104, regarding the right of theperson to be accompanied by a service animal specially trained for that purpose.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 22, 2007 General Session