62A-7-601. Youth services for prevention and early intervention -- Programstandards -- Program services. (1) The division shall establish and operate prevention and early intervention youthservices programs.
(2) The division shall adopt with the approval of the board statewide policies andprocedures, including minimum standards for the organization and operation of youth servicesprograms.
(3) The division shall establish housing, programs, and procedures to ensure that youthwho are receiving services under this section and who are not in the custody of the division areserved separately from youth who are in custody of the division.
(4) The division may enter into contracts with state and local governmental entities andprivate providers to provide the youth services.
(5) The division shall establish and administer juvenile receiving centers and otherprograms to provide temporary custody, care, risk-needs assessments, evaluations, and controlfor nonadjudicated youth placed with the division.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 13, 2005 General Session