62A-7-702. Case management staff. (1) The division shall provide a sufficient number of case management staff members toprovide care, treatment, and supervision for youth offenders on parole and for youth offenderscommitted to the division by the juvenile courts for community-based programs.
(2) (a) Case management staff shall develop treatment programs for each youth offenderin the community, provide appropriate services, and monitor individual progress.
(b) Progress reports shall be filed every three months with the juvenile court for eachyouth offender committed to the division for community-based programs and with the authorityfor each parolee.
(c) The authority, in the case of parolees, or the juvenile court, in the case of youthcommitted to the division for placement in community programs, shall be immediately notified,in writing, of any violation of law or of conditions of parole or placement.
(3) Case management staff shall:
(a) conduct investigations and make reports requested by the courts to aid them indetermining appropriate case dispositions; and
(b) conduct investigations and make reports requested by the authority to aid it in makingappropriate dispositions in cases of parole, revocation, and termination.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 13, 2005 General Session