62A-11-106. Office may file as real party in interest -- Written consent to paymentagreements -- Money judgment in favor of obligee considered to be in favor of office toextent of right to recover. (1) The office may file judicial proceedings as a real party in interest to establish, modify,and enforce a support order in the name of the state, any department of the state, the office, or anobligee.
(2) No agreement between an obligee and an obligor as to past, present, or futureobligations, reduces or terminates the right of the office to recover from that obligor on behalf ofthe department for public assistance provided, unless the department has consented to theagreement in writing.
(3) Any court order that includes a money judgment for support to be paid to an obligeeby any person is considered to be in favor of the office to the extent of the amount of the office'sright to recover public assistance from the judgment debtor.
Amended by Chapter 140, 1994 General Session