62A-11-107. Director -- Powers of office -- Representation by county attorney orattorney general -- Receipt of grants -- Rulemaking and enforcement. (1) The director of the office shall be appointed by the executive director.
(2) The office has power to administer oaths, certify to official acts, issue subpoenas, andto compel witnesses and the production of books, accounts, documents, and evidence.
(3) The office has the power to seek administrative and judicial orders to require anobligor who owes past-due support and is obligated to support a child receiving public assistanceto participate in appropriate work activities if the obligor is unemployed and is not otherwiseincapacitated.
(4) The office has the power to enter into reciprocal child support enforcementagreements with foreign countries consistent with federal law and cooperative enforcementagreements with Indian Tribes.
(5) The office has the power to pursue through court action the withholding, suspension,and revocation of driver's licenses, professional and occupational licenses, and recreationallicenses of individuals owing overdue support or failing, after receiving appropriate notice, tocomply with subpoenas or orders relating to paternity or child support proceedings pursuant toSection
(6) It is the duty of the attorney general or the county attorney of any county in which acause of action can be filed, to represent the office. Neither the attorney general nor the countyattorney represents or has an attorney-client relationship with the obligee or the obligor incarrying out the duties arising under this chapter.
(7) The office, with department approval, is authorized to receive any grants or stipendsfrom the federal government or other public or private source designed to aid the efficient andeffective operation of the recovery program.
(8) The office may adopt, amend, and enforce rules as may be necessary to carry out theprovisions of this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session