62A-11-304.5. Financial institutions. (1) The office shall enter into agreements with financial institutions doing business in thestate:
(a) to develop and operate, in coordination with such financial institutions, a data matchsystem that:
(i) uses automated data exchanges to the maximum extent feasible; and
(ii) requires a financial institution each calendar quarter to provide the name, recordaddress, social security number, other taxpayer identification number, or other identifyinginformation for each obligor who:
(A) maintains an account at the institution; and
(B) owes past-due support as identified by the office by name and social security numberor other taxpayer identification number; and
(b) to require a financial institution upon receipt of a notice of lien to encumber orsurrender assets held by the institution on behalf of an obligor who is subject to a child supportlien in accordance with Section
(2) The office may pay a reasonable fee to a financial institution for compliance withSubsection (1)(a), which may not exceed the actual costs incurred.
(3) A financial institution may not be liable under any federal or state law to any personfor any disclosure of information or action taken in good faith under Subsection (1).
(4) The office may disclose a financial record obtained from a financial institution underthis section only for the purpose of, and to the extent necessary in, establishing, modifying, orenforcing a child support obligation.
(5) If an employee of the office knowingly, or by reason of negligence, discloses afinancial record of an individual in violation of Subsection (4), the individual may bring a civilaction for damages in a district court of the United States as provided for in the Social SecurityAct, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 669A.
(6) The office shall provide notice and disburse funds seized or encumbered under thissection in accordance with Section
Enacted by Chapter 232, 1997 General Session