(a) pays the full amount that the person is in arrears on the person's child supportobligation;
(b) subject to Subsection (8):
(i) enters into a payment agreement with the office for the payment of the person'scurrent child support obligation and all arrears; and
(ii) complies with the agreement described in Subsection (7)(b)(i) for any initialcompliance period required by the agreement;
(c) obtains a judicial order staying enforcement of the person's child support obligationor the amount in arrears; or
(d) is not currently delinquent on a child support obligation.
(8) For purposes of Subsections (6)(b) and (7)(b), the office shall diligently strive to enterinto a fair and reasonable payment agreement that takes into account the person's employmentand financial ability to make payments, provided that there is a reasonable basis to believe thatthe person will comply with the agreement.
(9) (a) If, after the office seeks to suspend a person's driver license under this section, itis determined that the person is not delinquent, the office shall refund to the person anynoncustodial parent income withholding fee that was collected from the person during theerroneously alleged delinquency.
(b) Subsection (9)(a) does not apply if the person described in Subsection (9)(a) isotherwise in arrears on a child support obligation.
(10) (a) A person whose driver license is ordered suspended pursuant to this section mayfile a request with the office, on a form provided by the office, to have the office rescind theorder of suspension if:
(i) the person claims that, since the time of the suspension, circumstances have changedsuch that the person is entitled to have the order of suspension rescinded under Subsection (7);and
(ii) the office has not rescinded the order of suspension.
(b) The office shall respond, in writing, to a person described in Subsection (10), within10 days after the day on which the request is filed with the office, stating whether the person isentitled to have the order of suspension rescinded.
(c) If the office determines, under Subsection (10)(b), that an order to suspend a person'slicense should be rescinded, the office shall immediately rescind the order.
(d) If the office determines, under Subsection (10)(b), that an order to suspend a person'slicense should not be rescinded:
(i) the office shall, as part of the response described in Subsection (10)(b), notify theperson, in writing, of the reasons for that determination; and
(ii) the person described in this Subsection (10)(d) may, within 15 days after the day onwhich the office sends the response described in Subsection (10)(b), appeal the determination ofthe office to district court.
(e) The office may not require that a person file the request described in Subsection(10)(a) before the office orders that an order of suspension is rescinded, if the office has alreadydetermined that the order of suspension should be rescinded under Subsection (7).
(11) The office may make rules, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act, to:
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session