62A-11-703. Alternative payment by obligor through electronic funds transfer. (1) The office may enter into a written alternative payment agreement with an obligorwhich provides for electronic payment of child support under Part 4, Income Withholding inIV-D Cases, or Part 5, Income Withholding in Non IV-D Cases. Electronic payment shall beaccomplished through an automatic withdrawal from the obligor's account at a financialinstitution.
(2) The alternative payment agreement shall:
(a) provide for electronic payment of child support in lieu of income withholding;
(b) specify the date on which electronic payments will be withdrawn from an obligor'saccount; and
(c) specify the amount which will be withdrawn.
(3) The office may terminate the agreement and initiate immediate income withholdingif:
(a) required to meet federal or state requirements or guidelines;
(b) funds available in the account at the scheduled time of withdrawal are insufficient tosatisfy the agreement; or
(c) requested by the obligor.
(4) If the payment amount requires adjusting, the office may initiate a new writtenagreement with the obligor. If, for any reason, the office and obligor fail to agree on the terms,the office may terminate the agreement and initiate income withholding.
(5) If an agreement is terminated for insufficient funds, a new agreement may not beentered into between the office and obligor for a period of at least 12 months.
(6) The office shall make rules specifying eligibility requirements for obligors to enterinto alternative payment agreements.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 73, 2008 General Session