62A-11-704. Mandatory distribution to obligee through electronic funds transfer. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the office shall, exceptas provided in Subsection (3), distribute child support payments, under Subsection
62A-11-413(2) or Section
62A-11-505, by electronic funds transfer.
(2) Distribution of child support payments by electronic payment under this section shallbe made to:
(a) an account of the obligee; or
(b) an account that may be accessed by the obligee through the use of an electronicaccess card.
(3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the office may make rules, pursuant to Title 63G,Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to allow exceptions to the requirement to makedistributions by electronic funds transfer under Subsection (1).
(b) The rules described in Subsection (3)(a) may only allow exceptions undercircumstances where:
(i) requiring distribution by electronic funds transfer would result in an undue hardship tothe office or a person; or
(ii) it is not likely that distribution will be made to the obligee on a recurring basis.
Enacted by Chapter 73, 2008 General Session