62A-15-110. Contracts for substance abuse and mental health services -- Provisions-- Responsibilities. (1) If the division contracts with a local substance abuse authority or a local mentalhealth authority to provide substance abuse or mental health programs and services in accordancewith the provisions of this chapter and Title 17, Chapter 43, Part 2, Local Substance AbuseAuthorities, or Title 17, Chapter 43, Part 3, Local Mental Health Authorities, it shall ensure thatthose contracts include at least the following provisions:
(a) that an independent auditor shall conduct any audit of the local substance abuseauthority or its contract provider's programs or services and any audit of the local mental healthauthority or its contract provider's programs or services, pursuant to the provisions of Title 51,Chapter 2a, Accounting Reports from Political Subdivisions, Interlocal Organizations, and OtherLocal Entities Act;
(b) in addition to the requirements described in Title 51, Chapter 2a, Accounting Reportsfrom Political Subdivisions, Interlocal Organizations, and Other Local Entities Act, the division:
(i) shall prescribe guidelines and procedures, in accordance with those formulated by thestate auditor pursuant to Section
67-3-1, for auditing the compensation and expenses of officers,directors, and specified employees of the private contract provider, to assure the state that nopersonal benefit is gained from travel or other expenses; and
(ii) may prescribe specific items to be addressed by that audit, depending upon theparticular needs or concerns relating to the local substance abuse authority, local mental healthauthority, or contract provider at issue;
(c) the local substance abuse authority or its contract provider and the local mental healthauthority and its contract provider shall invite and include all funding partners in its auditor's pre-and exit conferences;
(d) each member of the local substance abuse authority and each member of the localmental health authority shall annually certify that he has received and reviewed the independentaudit and has participated in a formal interview with the provider's executive officers;
(e) requested information and outcome data will be provided to the division in themanner and within the time lines defined by the division; and
(f) all audit reports by state or county persons or entities concerning the local substanceabuse authority or its contract provider, or the local mental health authority or its contractprovider shall be provided to the executive director of the department, the local substance abuseauthority or local mental health authority, and members of the contract provider's governingboard.
(2) Each contract between the division and a local substance abuse authority or a localmental health authority shall authorize the division to withhold funds, otherwise allocated underSection
62A-15-108, to cover the costs of audits, attorney fees, and other expenditures associatedwith reviewing the expenditure of public funds by a local substance abuse authority or itscontract provider or a local mental health authority or its contract provider, if there has been anaudit finding or judicial determination that public funds have been misused by the localsubstance abuse authority or its contract provider or the local mental health authority or itscontract provider.
Amended by Chapter 71, 2005 General Session