62A-15-627. Release of voluntary patient -- Exceptions. A voluntary patient who requests release, or whose release is requested in writing by hislegal guardian, parent, spouse, or adult next of kin, shall be immediately released except that:
(1) if the patient was voluntarily admitted on his own application, and the request forrelease is made by a person other than the patient, release may be conditioned upon the agreementof the patient; and
(2) if a local mental health authority, or its designee is of the opinion that release of apatient would be unsafe for that patient or others, release of that patient may be postponed for upto 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, provided that the local mental health authority, orits designee, shall cause to be instituted involuntary commitment proceedings with the districtcourt within the specified time period, unless cause no longer exists for instituting thoseproceedings. Written notice of that postponement with the reasons, shall be given to the patientwithout undue delay. No judicial proceedings may be commenced with respect to a voluntarypatient unless he has requested release.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 8, 2002 Special Session 5