62A-15-643. Confidentiality of information and records -- Exceptions -- Penalty. (1) All certificates, applications, records, and reports made for the purpose of this part,including those made on judicial proceedings for involuntary commitment, that directly orindirectly identify a patient or former patient or an individual whose commitment has been soughtunder this part, shall be kept confidential and may not be disclosed by any person except insofaras:
(a) the individual identified or his legal guardian, if any, or, if a minor, his parent or legalguardian shall consent;
(b) disclosure may be necessary to carry out the provisions of:
(i) this part; or
(ii) Section
53-10-208.1; or
(c) a court may direct, upon its determination that disclosure is necessary for the conductof proceedings before it, and that failure to make the disclosure would be contrary to the publicinterest.
(2) A person who knowingly or intentionally discloses any information not authorized bythis section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 8, 2002 Special Session 5